I’m James Wilder, and this is James on Success, where I simplify success and encourage dreamers take action and achieve their goals.
What is Success?
Success is following your dreams.
The path to following your dreams can look very different for each of us. However, there are similarities in mindset and practice.
My definition of success is:
Success is living a life of integrity while pursuing your dreams in a way that serves others.
What is a Dream?
A dream is a specific way we choose to live and express our purpose through using our gifts and desires to do something deeply fulfilling, and is a benefit for others.
Why Subscribe?
Seriously? Why not!
But here is why in a nutshell:
I simplify the understanding and process of following your dreams by laying out a clear plan starting with a strong foundation, progressing to a simple framework, and then focusing on the life-long practices of dream building.
Get your weekly dose of dream building knowledge and encouragement. Plus, get access to the resources I create that give you deeper insight and save you time.
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