Sometimes we don’t diligently work for the life we truly want because we've gotten to a place of comfort and there are no tigers chasing us.
I used to downplay the role of motivation, but after years of practice I am beginning to see just how crucial it is.
You can have massive skills to make money, win fans, influence people, and live your dreams. But if you lose your motivation, you lose everything.
Motivation is the power switch.
No matter where we are in life, at the bottom or at the top, we need motivation. Motivation is the will to move. Motivation is the power switch. If we move, there is hope. If we move, there is growth. If we move there is life.
Working on the life you want to live requires a steady stream of motivation to keep going. Especially if you are at a point where life is pretty good. But dreamers aren’t called to live a pretty good life. We are called to live our best life; a life where we are most alive. A life where we can overflow with abundance.
To obtain the life that you truly want, you must become a master of self motivation. That doesn’t necessarily mean studying everything about motivation. That means being able to motivate yourself on a day-to-day basis.
Motivation is not high productivity or “nose to the grindstone.” Motivation is a fire that burns within us. And when that fire burns we want more. We want to be more. We want to do more. We want to give more. We want to grow more. We feel the glorious fire of what it means to be alive. More is sitting quietly and feeling the joy of living a life of meaning. It is the power of fully being. It is the secret of overflowing. This is a life of abundance.
What lights your fire. What extinguishes it? Be aware of these two things and you will grow rich in life.
To your success!
James Wilder
The core value of this newsletter is the books. I have taken everything I have learned about following your dreams and have distilled it into a set of books titled FOUNDER, BUILDER, and MASTER. These books follow the transformational stages of following your dreams, from founder, to builder, to master. These books are free for supporters. You can download the books in PDF form on the Books page.