Discipline vs Motivation
Many well-meaning people on social media teach that discipline is greater than motivation. This is due to a misunderstanding of what motivation is. They think motivation equals excitement. You might be excited to do something for a day or two or maybe a couple of weeks but then the excitement dissipates and you quit. They say since excitement dissipates you must utilize discipline to push through. This is true to some degree, however discipline will completely fail if you don’t have a sufficient motive for doing something. People quit when they don’t have a powerful enough reason to continue.
Motivation is not emotion. It does not mean happy, energized, or excited. It just means there is a compelling reason to move. Motivation is the motive/reason to take action.
Motivation is related to the word motive, and motive is a reason why. So motivation is the power to move based on a specific motive. If a tiger is after you, you are motivated to move. Why? It is because you don’t want to die. Or if your room is messy, you might be motivated to straighten it up. Why? Because you appreciate a sense of order.
Every action we take has a motive. We go to work every day because we need money to pay bills, or we want to advance our career, or we fear being unemployed. We aren't necessarily excited to go to work every day, but we are motivated to do so because we have a strong reason why.
Discipline is the practice of making steady progress towards a worthy goal. Discipline is especially important for long-term goals. Discipline reminds you that a worthy goal is sufficient motivation to take action. Discipline also incorporates a conscious awareness of the negative consequences of failing to take action, as well as the positive rewards. Discipline also helps reject distractions that could keep you from achieving your goals.
Discipline is extremely important for the daily work that is required for the successful execution of long-term plans, or the attainment of desired goals..
Motivation is why you take action. Discipline is ensuring that steady progress is made. Discipline won’t help you achieve something you don’t care about.
There is no discipline without motivation and motivation needs discipline for steady progress. Motivation is why you are in the race and discipline helps you stay in the race to the finish line. As they say, “Keep your eyes on the prize.”
Discipline and motivation work together.
To your success!
James Wilder
There is a lot to learn about living your dreams. I share what I have learned in my books, which are available to paid subscribers.
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