Some people study success but they don’t have a vehicle to work with, or they work with the wrong vehicle. Without a cause, a dream, or purpose, the effort is unsustainable, unattainable, and honestly, not that desirable. Success principles are powerless if they are not applied to an appropriate vehicle.
What is a vehicle?
Your vehicle is your dream. Your dream is what you apply success principles to. For example, Arnold Schwarzenegger used body building as his vehicle for success. He poured every success principle he knew into bodybuilding, and eventually became an award winning bodybuilder. He then chose acting and movies as his next vehicle. And we all know he became a successful actor and movie star.
A vehicle is that thing that will take us where we want to go. It is what we apply success principles to. Our vehicle needs to be something that suits us well, literally. It needs to fit us like a perfect suit. Arnold chose bodybuilding, and it fit him well. Whatever we choose needs to fit us.
The level of success we experience is relative to the vehicle of success we choose and the work we put into it. And if one vehicle doesn’t get you where you want to go, then we find another. Your dream is your vehicle. There is no limit to the number of dreams you can choose.
Success principles make sense when you apply them to the appropriate vehicle that will take you where you want to go. Fully embrace the work your vehicle requires. It is your opportunity. You don’t have to wait for it. Your opportunity is now.
To your success!
James Wilder
The core value of this newsletter is the books. I have taken everything I know about living your dreams and distilled it into a set of books titled FOUNDER, BUILDER, and MASTER. These books follow the transformational stages of living your dreams, from founder, to builder, to master. These books are free for supporters. You can download the books in PDF for on the Books page.