The mysteries of life
Students of success uncover the mysteries of life. We uncover these mysteries while living our dreams. This is one of the greatest rewards of living our dreams. The mysteries we uncover are specific to us and our dreams. Here’s a mystery: Why do people live their dreams, or not live their dreams? Why do some people give up, and some don’t? There are many mysteries! I will explore this in the future. For now, we will focus on becoming a student.
The beauty of our dreams
The beauty of our dreams will entice us to go beyond who and where we are today. This will require new ways of thinking and new skills. No one lives their dream by accident. We must grow to the level of our dreams. In order to grow we must become students of success.
Renew thy mind
The first thing we need to do as a student of success is renew our mind. The best place to start is to adopt a mindset of growth. This is the belief that we are not stuck at a certain level for life. We can grow our skills in thinking and problem solving. Our brains were designed to solve problems. We solve problems by a continuous cycle of doing, learning, and refining.
Lead thyself
Secondly, we must also adopt the mindset of self-leadership. Building our dreams will require us to make many decisions. We will need to lead ourselves through all sorts of situations. We will need to be OK with making decisions that don’t work out. When things don’t work out it’s not failure, it’s information. This is how we gain information. We make a decision, execute, and review the results. We make corrections where necessary. This process always moves us forward.
A spirit of service
Finally, we must have the mindset of a servant. We don’t have to be perfect. We don’t have to be entertaining or amazing. The beauty of living your dreams is that we focus on serving others. If we focus on serving others we will always be moving in the right direction.
A world of possibilities
These are just three key areas where we can grow and build the skills and mindset of living our dreams. There are many more principles and practices we can learn along the way. We are always students of success. There is no limit or end to learning, practicing, and expressing our gifts. With the right mindset, life becomes a world of possibilities. Choose a dream and run with it!
To your success!
James Wilder
If you are ready to become a founder and start living your dreams, then read my FREE book FOUNDER, and obtain the keys to building a solid foundation for your dreams.